Vancouver first aid

Multiple Overdoses at Sarnia Jail, inmates and officers hospitalized

Multiple overdoses happened at Sarnia Jail and there were about 6 people sent to the hospital. The spokesperson for the Sarnia Fire Rescue Services stated in the news that according to him responders arrived at the jail around 5 in the afternoon and found one correctional officer and three inmates with the probability of being contaminated and exposed with an opioid.

When firefighter arrived in the area, jail staff was already providing first aid and CPR to the victims. Fire official of Sarnia performed emergency decontamination on the victims before transferring them to the hospital. They also initiated a hazmat team to fully disinfect the area. The affected inmates and the correctional officers have been discharged.

Delivery of care

As a result, there were three inmates and three correctional officers were brought to the hospital.

Mike Bradley, the Mayor of Sarnia was not surprised when he heard about the overdoses. This is the first incident that happened with the Sarnia Fire Services and the hazmat unit. The opiate crisis is widely spread in the community as in every other community in other provinces and across the country. Furthermore, Bradley wants every province to provide more solutions to the situation.

Vancouver first aid
When firefighter arrived in the area, jail staff was already providing first aid and CPR to the victims.

This is a community issue and Ontario is committed to working with community partners in providing a solution to the problem.

Joel Bisonnette, the President for OPSEU, or Ontario Public Service Employees Union, according to him, he hopes the incident is “a wake-up call.” The union represents all staff members at the Sarnia jail.

Bissonnette said drugs that are brought into the jails are already a problem. And the kinds of drugs that are brought inside the jail are becoming more deadly and dangerous that includes fentanyl and carfentanil. He also wants to see additional supports and tools to be placed in the area to help catch these dangerous drugs in entering the jail.

Jail officers and guards can be exposed and contaminated with drugs by just simply providing first aid on an overdosing inmate. These people can also be exposed by physically transporting the victims themselves.

The ministry recognizes the difficult work of the correctional staff. They are also committed in giving support for the staff by providing them with the resources they need in keeping themselves safe.

For more information about this story, click here.


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