Vancouver first aid

Canadians need to recognize the importance of CPR

When a life is on the line, CPR is a life-saving technique. When a person collapses and no longer moves, he/she might be experiencing a massive heart attack and was one of those who did not have the typical warning signs or chest pain. In such cases, the heart flipped quickly into a deadly rhythm, leading to unconsciousness.

Importance of CPR

If this occurred while alone in a garage or while cycling solo, death is inevitable. If one collapses in public, CPR can be performed and a shock from an automated external defibrillator (AED) can restore the pulse and medical care can be given.

Vancouver first aid
If one collapses in public, CPR can be performed and a shock from an automated external defibrillator (AED) can restore the pulse and medical care can be given.

Both CPR and AED are not complex skills and you can easily enroll in a course. Various countries in Europe have long required basic first aid and CPR certification as a requirement for receiving a driver’s license.

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Learn how to help by enrolling in a course on first aid and CPR and for more information, check out these sources:

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