After the Toronto van attack, concerned citizens now reach out to first aid providers to freshen their skills. St. John Ambulance is an organization that provides public training on first aid. The organization reports a rise in interest on its courses since the van attack that took the lives of 10 people. Taking a 2-day […]
Importance of better first aid skills after Toronto van attack Read More »
Two Prince Edward Islanders saved the life of a man with rapid delivery of CPR. The man collapsed during an auction in Kensington. Saving a life Thomas Smallman, a trained firefighter delivered CPR with Marlene Lawrence, an auction house employee until the arrival of the paramedics. Smallman stated that most people at the event froze
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A 13-year old hockey player was saved by an AED. The teen is recovering in a healthcare facility after his pulse stopped during a hockey game and a defibrillator helped bring back his pulse. Saving a life Ali Khaleghi collapsed at a hockey game at Herbert H. Carnegie Centennial Centre in North York. He was
AED saves a teen hockey player Read More »
Automated external defibrillators (AEDs) are becoming widely available in public buildings on P.E.I. The device is easy to use during emergencies. The device has been used countless times and has successfully saved many lives. According to Chris Landry of Island First Aid Services, waiting for the emergency responders to arrive on the scene will not
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The increasing availability of AEDs has been stressed out. Ev White was coming off the ice after a senior’s hockey game when everything went black. Someone called 911 while others raced around the Simmons Arena in search for someone who knew how to provide some help to White until the paramedics arrived. Gordie Foster was
Urging an increased accessibility of AEDs Read More »
The life of Melissa Dunlay was saved with an AED after suffering a heart attack. She went to her dentist appointment at River Valley Dental Clinic in Saint John with her daughter. It was snowing that day, so she made her husband drive. Heart attack Upon arrival at the dentist’s office, she collapsed on the
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The victims of a float plane crash given CPR. Two people died and several others are in a healthcare facility after a float plane crashed on a street in Yellowknife. Crash incident Nine people were on board the Twin Otter plane according to Chris Krepski, a spokesman with the Transportation Safety Board. Witnesses stated that
Float plane crash victims required CPR Read More »
An inmate named Matthew Hines, 33 years old died while in custody at the Dorchester Penitentiary. In less than 2 hours he died after he was peppered sprayed by correctional officers at least four times at the close range. All the while Hines was restrained and handcuffed. Unforeseen tragedy Ambulance New Brunswick reviewed the incident
Inmate, 33 dead at the Dorchester Penitentiary, paramedics investigated Read More »
Two Okanagan teachers helped save the life of a student by using CPR and AED. They helped save a student who went into cardiac arrest during gym class. The South Okanagan Secondary School teachers Steve Podomorow and Mike Russo resuscitated the 13-year old Dilshaan Dhaliwal with CPR and an automated external defibrillator (AED). Rapid action
Okanagan teachers saves student with CPR and AED Read More »
Serving the Vancouver Lower Mainland with the lowest priced, highest quality safety, CPR, food safe and first aid training since 2010.