A man who overdosed at Occupy Vancouver was given CPR. The authorities are crediting an on-site medic at Occupy Vancouver for saving the life of a man who overdosed at the camp. Dangers of overdose The man who is in his late 20s or early 30s went into cardiac arrest behind the Vancouver Art Gallery, […]
Man who overdoses at camp received CPR Read More »
A 65-year old employee at a Saskatoon car dealership is alive due to the rapid use of an AED by quick-thinking co-workers. The co-workers of Ted Brown at Wheaton GMC Buick Cadillac saved his life using an automated external defibrillator (AED) when he went into cardiac arrest. His co-workers quickly initiated CPR and called 911.
Quick thinking saves a life of a co-worker Read More »
A woman in her 20s who was found dead at the Occupy Vancouver protect was given CPR. The protest occurred outside the Vancouver Art Gallery. Tragedy at Occupy Vancouver protest A friend of the deceased woman found her inside a tent and initially thought she was sleeping. The woman was given CPR but could not
Woman given CPR at the Occupy Vancouver protest Read More »
A 29-year old snowboarder from Burnaby who died was given CPR. The man died after falling into a tree well near Pemberton. Back country incident The man moved into a backcountry area of Miller’s Ridge Forest Service Road with friends when he went missing. He was later found upside down in the well, but by
Snowboarder given CPR after back country incident Read More »
A victim of fatal tasering received CPR. The British Columbia’s police watchdog is investigating the death of a Fraser Valley man who was accused of stabbing a dog. Tasering ordeal required further investigation RCMP Insp. Ed Boettcher stated that the Chilliwack Mounties were called to a house and engaged the suspect inside the residence. The
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The victim of an avalanche in southeastern British Columbia given first aid. A man was killed and a woman was taken to a healthcare facility after a dramatic rescue from a massive avalanche in southeastern British Columbia. Danger on the slopes Search manager Chris Armstrong stated that the pair was among a group of four
First aid given to victims of avalanche Read More »
The suspect of a rampage received CPR. The British Columbia’s police watchdog is no longer investigating a rampage that left a 22-year old man dead while 11 people are injured in a First Nation band office. Unforeseen ordeal The Mounties were called to the Lillooet-area Bridge River Indian Band office and found a suspect restrained
Suspect of rampage given CPR Read More »
Bystanders roughly provide CPR in one of three cardiac incidents that happen in public places. If a person suffers a heart attack in Winnipeg, there are fewer chances that a bystander will try to save the victim before Emergency Medical Services arrive in the area. Saving a life Information that was posted on the website
Bystanders provide CPR in cardiac events in public Read More »
A 63-year old man who died after falling into a tree well received CPR. The incident occurred on Whistler Mountain while the man was skiing. Danger in the wilderness The Whistler Blackcomb staff stated that the man was skiing near Ratfink run when the incident occurred. According to Brian Leighton, Whistler Blackcomb safety manager, the
Skier who falls in tree well given CPR Read More »
A female skier involved in an incident in Whistler Mountain received CPR. The Mounties and the BC Coroners Service are investigating after a female skier was killed on Whistler Mountain. Tragedy at Whistler Mountain A skier in the west ridge area of the mountain reported seeing a woman at the base of a cliff. Sgt.
Victim of Whistler Mountain incident given CPR Read More »
Serving the Vancouver Lower Mainland with the lowest priced, highest quality safety, CPR, food safe and first aid training since 2010.