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Vancouver first aid

ATMs seen as ideal location for automated defibrillators

ATMs are one of the suitable locations for installing automated external defibrillators (AEDs) to help cardiac arrest victims. Availability of AEDs Coffee shops and automated bank machines are ideal locations for installing automated external defibrillators (AEDs) to help cardiac arrest victims. Cardiac arrest causes the heart to stop abruptly due to an electrical issue and

ATMs seen as ideal location for automated defibrillators Read More »

Vancouver first aid

UVic student died in Tofino surfing accident given CPR

A 27-year old University of Victoria student from India died in a surfing accident despite CPR by bystanders. The incident occurred near Tofino and the man was identified was Nijin John. Watery rescue According to Vincent Mallaley, 47 years old, he was walking on Long Beach when he noticed a man in distress in the

UVic student died in Tofino surfing accident given CPR Read More »

Vancouver first aid

A life was saved by defibrillator, staff and patrons at Nipigon rec centre

With the help of a defibrillator and timely delivery of CPR, a life was saved while waiting for the ambulance. The rapid thinking and availability of a public defibrillator are given credit for saving the life of a man at Nipigon Ont. A man who just finished a workout routine on a treadmill was sitting

A life was saved by defibrillator, staff and patrons at Nipigon rec centre Read More »

Vancouver first aid

Areas of Toronto require life-saving defibrillators

The public defibrillators can be found in several places, but a new study suggests parts of downtown Toronto are under served. The defibrillators are utilized to deliver a shock to the heart to restore its normal rhythm and credited to help save lives. Accessibility of AEDs According to a University of Toronto engineering professor, there

Areas of Toronto require life-saving defibrillators Read More »

Vancouver first aid

AED and quick response saved a man’s life at Canada Games Complex

A 64-year old man collapsed while playing squash and saved by an AED. The availability of a public defibrillator and the rapid action by the staff at the Canada Games Complex and the Thunder Bay paramedics were given credit for saving the life of the man. Based on a written release, a 64-year old man

AED and quick response saved a man’s life at Canada Games Complex Read More »

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