Victims of a collision between a city bus and an SUV received CPR. Ten people were transferred to a healthcare facility with varying injuries in Burnaby. Aftermath of the bus-SUV collision According to TransLink, the injuries stemming from the crash at East Hastings Street and Holdom Avenue range from minor to moderate. The Mounties stated […]
CPR performed on victims of bus-SUV collision Read More »
A Vancouver woman speaks out after a bus driver allegedly abandoned her to deal with a man in medical distress. Under medical distress Robyn was riding a bus through the Downtown Eastside when she saw a man suffering from what she feared was an overdose. The man did not appear to be moving or breathing
Bus driver pulled away from man in medical distress Read More »
A skier received first aid after being swept up in a backcountry avalanche. The slide occurred shortly after noon in an area of Mount Seymour Provincial Park near the Seymour Alpine Trail. Icy ordeal Gareth Fafard had come off the 1st Pump Peak on the southeast side, hit the snow and triggered the size 1.5
Skier given first aid after rescued from avalanche Read More »
A 36-year old man who was caught in an avalanche received first aid. The incident occurred near Golden, B.C. Sadly, the man was declared dead. Dangers in the backcountry According to the RCMP, the unnamed victim was treated in a Calgary hospital but could not be saved. The BC Coroners Service has taken over the
Man who died in avalanche incident given first aid Read More »
A woman who was shot several times before crashing into pole was given first aid. The police are searching for witnesses and dash cam video after a woman was shot while driving on Canada Day in Pitt Meadows, B.C. Shooting incident The Mounties were called to the scene of the crash at Old Dewdney Trunk
Woman shot several times before crash received first aid Read More »
Firefighters in a rural area of the Central Okanagan can become first medical responders. According to the Wilson’s Landing Fire Department they reported that about ½ of its crew were already trained as first medical responders. Timely response The Fire Department is located on the west shores of Okanagan Lake. It also includes the Westside
Firefighters at Wilson’s Landing are now first medical responders Read More »
Kevin Yakes saved the life of a man who overdosed with naloxone. The man overdosed on fentanyl-laced heroin. At the time of the incident, he saw a man in his early 20s slumped over a table at an overdose prevention site at the office of the Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users. Dangers of overdose
B.C. man saved man who overdosed with naloxone Read More »
A baby girl who stopped breathing was given first aid. The American border officers were able to revive a baby girl who ceased to breathe while she and her mother were in line to cross into the United States. Timely intervention to save a life The U.S. Customs and Border Protection office stated that the
Baby girl given first aid when she stopped breathing Read More »
A 30-year old man was given CPR after snowboarding outside of the skin area in Whistler. Sadly, the man was killed. Dangers in the backcountry The Whistler resident was found facing down and buried in snow in the heavily forested area which was known to locals as the “Khyber Pass”. He was found by a
CPR given to snowboarder in Whistler backcountry Read More »
A man in his 20s received CPR after a failed attempt to save a dog. The man died after drowning in the Fraser River near Gladstone Park. Unsuccessful rescue attempt At around 10 PM, a man was heard screaming a few meters from the shore near a trail just off Marine Drive in southeast Vancouver.
Man who attempted to save dog drowned Read More »
Serving the Vancouver Lower Mainland with the lowest priced, highest quality safety, CPR, food safe and first aid training since 2010.